Famous people with Dyslexia

There are many famous people with Dyslexia and this has not held them back.

Examples of famous people with Dyslexia include the likes of Tom Cruise and Richard Branson – two famous people with success in very different lines of work.

What is Dyslexia?

Dyslexia is a specific learning difficulty that mainly affects reading and spelling and is characterised by difficulties in processing word-sounds and by weaknesses in short-term verbal memory. The effects of Dyslexia can be seen in the spoken language as well as written language.  It is estimated that around 10% of the population is affected by dyslexia to some degree and that it tends to run in families.

If you suffer from Dyslexia it will remain with you for life, but the effects of it can be minimised by adapting the way you work and as we know there are many successful entrepreneurs with this disability, it is by no means disabling!

Other successful business men with Dyslexia include William Hewlett – Co-Founder of Hewlett-Packard; Henry Ford – founder of the Ford Corporation; F.W. Woolworth – founder of Woolworths; Walt Disney – founder of Disney.

If you have Dyslexia and you are considering setting up in business you might get inspired by this video:

NBC Today Show – Successful Entrepreneurs with Dyslexia

Famous people with Dyslexia

5 thoughts on “Famous people with Dyslexia

  1. I think having problems like dyslexia can make you stronger – both in life and in business.

    But of course it takes personality to handle it.
    .-= Lån Penge´s last blog ..Hvad koster det at låne? =-.

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